
How Islamic Schools Teach the Necessary Ethical Values?


Our schools play an important role in teaching necessary ethical values to our children. Various educational institutions work on the ethical behavior of children but the best schools that teach ethical values to children are Islamic schools.

Islamic schools teach academia along with moral values based on Islamic principles. If you also want to teach your children ethical values based on Islamic principles, then you should consider Al-Madinah School as they offer a unique experience.

In this article, we’ll discuss how Islamic schools teach ethical values to their students and make them better humans.

Curriculum and Ethics

Islamic schools have a well-structured curriculum. This curriculum includes academic knowledge integrated with ethical knowledge. Subjects are not taught generally as science concepts or art concepts but also, they are supported with moral lessons.

For example, if history is being taught which includes the concepts of justice, honesty, and compassion then real-life stories of Islamic historical figures are also mentioned. With this method of learning, children try to apply those lessons in their daily lives.

Moreover, if we talk about Islamic studies classes, then there are many things covered during those classes such as the Quran, Hadith, and the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). By learning these studies, children know that these ethics are not just theoretical but also practical.

Quality Mentorship

The teachers who teach in Islamic schools are more than teachers. They are role model for their students. They truly apply the ethical values they teach so that children can learn from them.  The students who are close to teachers can testify about that.

Moreover, Islamic schools also invite community leaders. They speak to students about their own experiences of living a life based on Islamic ethical values.

Community Involvement

Community involvement is a very important part of Islamic schools. They encourage their students to participate in community service and charitable activities as these activities make a strong community. Students get to know about empathy, generosity, and social responsibility.

For example, if students participate in food drives, visit elderly patients, or participate in community clean-ups, they get to learn to help people who are needy and how to make a healthy community.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are also an important part of life. Knowing that Islamic schools offer several extracurricular activities that promote ethical values. Such activities include music, sports, debating, and art classes.

Providing music lessons for children is very important for children as music is a powerful tool for teaching discipline, cooperation, and creativity. These extracurricular activities teach the students about teamwork and also enhance their personality.


Islamic schools offer a unique experience. We mentioned Al-Madinah School as an example. They provide academic excellence to their children which is blended along with ethical education.  These schools not only offer theoretical knowledge but emphasize practical action.

By inculcating these principles and values at a young age, Islamic schools ensure that students will follow these principles for the life to come. They make sure that students become responsible, compassionate, and ethical citizens.