Losing income due to unforeseen circumstances is something every enterprise wants to avoid, making emergency generators a vital component of business operations. This equipment enables businesses to function even during power outages. Having emergency generators helps sustain essential services and prevent financial losses.
But despite their importance during unannounced power interruptions, emergency generators have detrimental effects on the environment. Most generators are powered by gasoline and diesel, and their emissions contribute to air pollution, acid rain, greenhouse gas effects, and noise pollution. All these pose risks to both human health and ecosystems.
As a response to these threats, the government of New Jersey imposed regulations requiring businesses to obtain a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection or NJDEP permit compliance before they can use an emergency generator. This requirement aims to mitigate environmental impacts by facilitating proper monitoring, emissions control, and adherence to environmental standards during generator operation.
Acquiring such authorizations may be complicated for those unfamiliar with it. Managing NJDEP permit applications and meeting report submission deadlines can be confusing. In addition, businesses must understand which machinery, equipment, and processes necessitate environmental permits.
Acquiring air permits is essential in keeping operations compliant with government-mandated environmental standards. Failure to obtain the necessary permits and comply with related NJDEP reporting requirements may result in fines and penalties.
This is where the expertise of an NJDEP air permit consultant becomes valuable. Professionals can bring their invaluable knowledge in navigating the intricacies of environmental regulations. They can assist businesses in understanding permit requirements, completing application processes, and achieving compliance with air quality standards. This proactive approach helps mitigate risks of non-compliance and fosters a smoother operational transition for businesses utilizing emergency generators.
Learn more about the importance of obtaining air permits for emergency generators through this infographic from Lockatong Engineering.